Option 1
Professional Recruiting
Interested in one-on-one job search counseling and in-depth recruiting to find the perfect fit for your open positions? Our professional advisors will work with you to enhance your job descriptions and to reach out to the best candidates for your business.
Executive Search Recruiting
Design Studios and firms that demand a hands-on level of service are invited to work directly with our full-service executive search team of Recruiters, Archipro Staff Agency Inc. an industry leader in defining excellence in the highly specialized professional environment of the Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Interior Design Professions.
Archipro Staff Agency Inc. has specialized in placing junior, intermediate, and senior level architectural professionals for the past 20+ years, including Project Managers, Project Coordinators, Project Architects, Interior Architects, and Landscape Architects. We search for professionals that are up on the latest technologies such as REVIT, CAD and BIM.
How we will approach a search for you
We collaborate to specifically define the role and then dive into action picking apart our proprietary database of design and technical professionals, as well as contacts inside industry organizations, advertising in professional journals, nationwide referral and social media networks to identify the best candidates for your business.
How we screen professionals for you
Our recruiters with industry experience perform an extensive behavioral interview tailored to the profession. We do screening and reference check then we send you our professional feedback and results. You decide if you are interested in meeting the candidate then we schedule and confirm the interview.
*Our placement fees are based on 20% of the candidate’s yearly salary and are guaranteed for 90 days.
Option 2
Employer Services
Think of Archipro.com as your virtual human resource department, where high caliber Architecture and Design talent is located. No longer do you have to rely on wading through stacks of inadequate resumes or other less efficient methods to meet your staffing needs. (If you’re firm desires recruitment assistance see option 1 above under Archipro Staff Agencyor our Concierge Service below)
Post Job Openings – Your posted job openings are marketed directly to the professionals you seek: driven, dedicated and highly talented. Additionally, your posting will automatically be posted to social media LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook every few days for the life of your posting. A great opportunity to be seen by the talent you seek.
Concierge Service – Upon request Professional Recruiters at Archipro Staff Agency Inc., will perform behavioral interviews, reference checks, license and education verifications, state and federal legal checks on candidates you have selected. Call or email us for this service: 866-966-2488 or Archipro@Archipro.com
How to post a job on Archipro.com website
Employer Registration
Create an account here. -
Log in with an e-mail address and password you created to post your job.
Employer Menu
From home page
Create an account by Signing up as an Employer. -
Shopping cart
Proceed to checkout and fill out billing information -
Terms and conditions
Check the terms and conditions box at the bottom. -
Application e-mail
Applicants will be sent to your dashboard you may also give additional instructions in job description on how you want them to apply. -
Post a job
(information needed) Title, Location, Category: Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Job Tags-up to 3, Job Description: upload or type -
Proceed to PayPal
You do not need to be a PayPal member to use a credit card.*At this point, you have purchased the job posting and can choose to have someone else fill out details at a later time. All they need is your UN and PW to access your Dashboard on the Archipro website. -
Company details
Company Name, Company Logo is optional if you do not choose one it will read JOB -
(Optional) categories
Tagline, video, website, google, facebook, LinkedIn, twitter-by filling this out it will post to your companies social media. -
My account
You can keep track of recent orders, manage your address and edit your password and account details. -
Job dashboard
Keeps track Job title, filled date, posted date, listing expires date, and applicants applied.
Coming Soon
Resume Database Search – Archipro maintains a constantly growing national database of professionals, and will soon place some of our resources at your fingertips.
Corporate Fit Survey & Profile – Identify your corporate culture and find candidates best suited to your company.
On-line Interviews – Quickly evaluate candidate’s skills, experiences and expectations relative to your needs through our interviews, Project Management interviews, Architect interviews, Interior Design interviews and Landscape Architecture interviews.
Got a question?
We're here to help. Check out our FAQ, send us an email or call us at 866-966-2488