
April 24, 2020

How To Job Hunt During The Corona virus Pandemic

Believe finding a new job is possible…because it is! Companies serving industries such as healthcare, affordable housing, transportation and infrastructure are hiring.. Remember, 85% of all placements happen through referrals so, up date your Linkedin profile and reach out to your recruiter, HR managers and contacts. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, over 6.6

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April 24, 2020

Ten thoughts on the future of practice

Ten thoughts on how Architectural profession may be impacted, and potentially transformed, as a result.The duration and depth of the downturn will determine the potency of the ideas suggested. In February of this year, I gave a short talk to our Yale students about the economy and their employment prospects, suggesting that while all indicators remained strong and

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April 15, 2020

Is architecture heading toward an unemployment crisis?

Retail, hospitality, restaurant and tourism have been the hardest hit projects. But, design work continues to pick up in healthcare,affordable housing, transportation and infrastructure, landscape Architecture. Larger firms especially in NYC, Boston,Philadelphia where construction activities have stopped are seeing the more layoffs as small and medium firms managementand leaders are taking pay cuts. It is

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April 10, 2020

Promote Remote Team Bonding

Daily virtual check ins with your team 15-20 minutes a day sharing topics not related to daily projects for mental health. Show empathy because everyone deals with stress differently. Take time to connect on a personal level. How are you feeling? What is distracting you? Host a virtual coffee break and informal messaging…important to stay

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April 1, 2020

What is the role of Architecture in Fighting a Pandemic?

MASS Design Group has made available as part of its response is a list of Best Practices for Designing Spaces for infection control. Topic areas include everything from improving ventilation in existing spaces to thinking about materials selection in projects going forward. Amidst the search for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the implementation of large-scale human behavior

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March 19, 2020

How to Work From Home: 20 Tips From People Who Do It Successfully

Although it may not be everybody’s choice right now their are some positive statistics to working from home. 85% of people have reported increased levels of productivity as a result of remote work. Here are 20 tips on working from home successfully. Working from home is awesome … right up until the cat throws up

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March 13, 2020

6 Meaningful Ways Companies Welcome Moms Back from Maternity Leave

A Salute to working Mom’s everywhere! Here is how companies are helping new parents: Paid leave 16-26 weeks, Phased Back Return, Onsite Child Care, lactation rooms. Empathetic and understanding managers are a must! Gender diversity is good for business! The phrase is very much in vogue these days, but it’s still an odd coinage —

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March 13, 2020

From A to Zaha: 26 Women Who Changed Architecture

“Every single day, I have to remind someone that I am, in fact, an Architect. And sometimes not just an Architect, but the Architect.” Zaha Enter the 8th Annual A+Awards for a shot at international publication and global recognition. Submit your projects before March 27th to be in the running. Speaking to The New York Times in 2016, architect Yen Ha

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February 26, 2020

Fostering Harmony in an Age Diverse Workplace

Age diversity in the workplace is on the rise in Architect and Design firms with a mix of generations working together Boomers, X generation, Millennial, Z generation! A few areas to look at to keep Harmony in this intergenerational workplace mix! Three areas where conflict occurs most in the workplace Communication Style, Work-Life Balance and

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February 14, 2020

Attracting qualified candidates to A&D, Architecture & Design Positions

If your company wants to attract candidates with the “right stuff”, both professionally and personally, it’s important to take the time to define what success looks like in the role you are looking to fill. Taking the time to write an accurate, compelling and strategic position description is crucial to the process of attracting the

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February 6, 2020

Leaving your Architecture position without burning bridges.

Some things to consider when it is time to move on. Take an inventory, ask yourself why? Does your answer reflect rational reasons? Were you passed over after picking up the slack for months, years? Do you feel emotionally abused by your boss and/or managers, dreading coming into the studio every day, unreasonable hours affecting

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January 29, 2020

The Single Most Important Thing You Need To Know To Create An Engaging Culture

In reading some company reviews from past employees on indeed and interviewing thousands of Architects and Designers it seems some firms can use some help in this area. Give them a reason to believe  People are seeking jobs in Architecture and Design with meaning, purpose and a reason to believe in what they are doing.

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